Friday, April 24, 2009

Monday, April 20, 2009

what goes around, comes around

only if you think it is ... something thats called 'retribution' or '好人有好报'.

you'll have time to rest when you're dead

it's true tho.
animals do stay alert even tho they are 'resting' in the wild.
to prevent becoming a prey to others in a dangerous environment.

live for something rather than die for nothing

the art of life lies in a constant adjustment to our surroundings

Monday, April 6, 2009

there is no right or wrong.. its up to an individual

the mind can come up with crazy things ..
human are animals too, only with a developed brain that differentiated us.
the basic instinct and others are no different from animals

the world is round, the world is spinning, it never stops for you